Publication / Forthcoming
Centralized Decentralization: Does Voting Matter? Simple Economics of the DPoS Blockchain Governance, forthcoming, Applied Economics Letters
Reserve Price (In)equivalence: Shill-Bidding to Lower the Reserve Price, forthcoming, Bulletin of Economic Research
Which Came First, Price or Activity? A Vicious Circle of a Blockchain-Based Social Media in the Bear Market (joint work with Jingyu Jeong, Michael Seo), 2024, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2024), 18(1), 736-737 [ICWSM accepted full paper at SSRN]
The Groupwise-Pivotal Referral Mechanism: Core-Selecting Referral Strategy-Proof Mechanism (joint work with Joosung Lee), 2024, Games and Economic Behavior, 143, 191-203
A Note on a Moment Inequality, 2024, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 24(1), 435-440
Procurements with Bidder Asymmetry in Cost and Risk-Aversion (joint work with Gaurab Aryal, Hanna Charenkevich, Dong-Hyuk Kim), 2023, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 41(4), 1143-1156
Posting Bot Detection on Blockchain-Based Social Media Platform Using Machine Learning Techniques (joint work with Hyung Ju Hwang, Taehyun Kim, Hyomin Shin), 2021, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2021), 15(1), 303-314
On the Core of Auctions with Externalities: Stability and Fairness, 2020, RAND Journal of Economics, 51(4), 1093-1107
Working paper
Uncertainty Paradox: Why You Should (Not) Lie (joint work with Dong-Hyuk Kim)
The Referrer's Dilemma (new version with In-Uck Park is in progress)
Truth-Telling Dominating Strategy: Impossibilities of Shill-Proofness
A Note on the Core of Auctions with Externalities: No Seller's Deviation (new version will be updated)
Work in progress
Incentive Compatibility of VCG under Miscalibration (presented at EC16 Ad Auctions Workshop, joint work with Dominic Coey)
Selecting and pricing content items including multiple bid amounts, 2019, US patent No. 10311487 (solo inventor)
Messaging aggregator selection based on message priority, 2020, US patent No. 10764225 (co-inventor)